Hi! I’m Lauren, an editor, illustrator and motion graphics designer based in Greenwich, London. I have experience in scripting, producing and editing short-form videos for sites such as HuffPost, Yahoo and AOL. I love digital illustration and enjoy bringing my creations to life with motion graphics.
Over the years I’ve worked on projects that tell intimate personal stories, and reports on world-changing political events. I’ve produced a plethora of how-to tips and guides, and promoted bizarre viral moments involving homicidal turkeys and the Pope (those were two separate videos, btw).
I’ve also been commissioned for logos and branding for businesses and podcasts, plus the odd wedding invite.
For my personal projects I’m all about colours, details and whimsy. I love taking ordinary humdrum objects and turning them into quirky botanical patterns. I’m also a keen knitter, jewellery maker and all round crafty weirdo.
If you fancy working with me, would like to commission something or perhaps just like the cut of my jib, please drop me a line below.